Sunday, February 20, 2011

Star Gazing Session 2/20/11

Tonight, I went to the star gazing session at 7:30 pm at Pine View.  We went through the identifications of constellations and major stars.  We were able to identify the winter constellations.  This included Orion, Taurus, Lepus, Columba, Eridanus, Lynx, Auriga, Fornax, and Canis Major.  And, we were able to pick out major stars such as Aldebaren, Rigel, Betelgeuse, Capella, Sirius, Polaris, Hyades, and Achernar.  In the western portion of the sky, Jupiter could be seen until about 8:30 pm, when it began to set.  With the telescope, we were able to see Jupiter.  Through the set of binoculars, we viewed Hyades.  We were showed where the equator line was in the sky.  Overall, it was a good experience and I learned where objects were in the sky so i can more easily identify what I see in the night time sky while I am out in my driveway making observations by myself.

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